
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's 2011

Last night, we had a quiet evening playing all the games we got for Christmas (well, most of them). Playing games and snacking has always been our tradition on New Year's Eve.

We let the kids stay up until 11, then they listened to their bedtime CD while they fell asleep to bring in the new year. Then they had to stay in bed late this morning. I read some after they went to bed...then fell asleep. We're pretty boring, I know.

Every year we write out 3-5 goals as individuals, we would like to accomplish as well as our goals as a family. This year we started a new tradition I saw on The Crafty Crow, a memory time capsule. Basically you put little tokens/memories throughout the year in your jar. Then next year, you can look back on the tangible items that remind your family of the important events.

Tera's goals:
Teach Mazey 3 commands/2 tricks
Design 1 batch of cookies (make up her own recipe)
Regular nightly devotions
Play at least one new game
Play 3 new songs out of my new piano books
Daniel's goals:
To read all of Gerald Morris' series of the Round Table
Train Mazey 3 tricks
Memorize 1 chapter of the Bible

JP's goals:
More regular prayer and Bible study
Finish Fingerstyle guitar book and begin intermediate level
Go through French curriculum with kids

My goals:
Reach my ideal weight
Memorize 2 lengthy passages of Scripture
Play 3 songs on the mandolin
Regular prayer time with prayer book
Read 1 new series

Michael's goals:
Learn to go on the potty

Family goals:
1 family added to our fellowship
Try at least 5 new recipes
Make it to the beach
Make family CD- record 1 song per month
Most of all, we pray our lives will be ones that give glory to the God, who gives us life and every good gift.