
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another this and that post

I was supposed to go back and work on this post before it actually published but when I checked my reader...well, it was already there. So here goes a lame post that has barely been edited or formatted. Oh, well. 

Mazey's first grooming

This is a huge splinter Daniel got in his thumb nail. I thought for sure we would end up at the doctor's office with this one. But Dr. Daddy took care of it amidst a few loud exclamations from Daniel.

Michael playing with a pair of goggles from a Lowe's Build and Grow clinic.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Shaving Cream Clouds

We sculpted different cloud formations using shaving cream this last week. 

Tera wrote her name in the clouds.

And the boys just went crazy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cobbler, Cobbler mend my shoe...

We had a great time hearing a presentation from a leather crafter on how to mend shoes, the various tools used in his trade and all about different kinds of leather.

Then he showed the kids how to stitch a leather handle....

and let them try to punch holes in leather. It was harder than it looked!

Michael was an innocent bystander this time around.

For more pictures, check out It's a Boy's Life and The Forest Room.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

More Snow...

These are from our recent snow...

These are from our recent snow...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Our new little addition is fitting in nicely.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and That

Michael checking out the weekly sales.

Hands-on Spelling

We started Math Boot Camp for Daniel and Spelling/States and Capital Boot Camp for Tera this week. We needed to take a break from Saxon for Daniel to cement all his math facts in his head. So he has a list of tasks to do everyday that include different sets of flashcards, 2 worksheets, and multiple computer games. Tera has a list of interactive hands on spelling activities and things to reinforce her States and Capitals. (She just wanted to have her own boot camp because Daniel was getting one). The kids always enjoy when I change things makes it new and exciting, even if it is basically the same work. Daniel is already showing faster times on remembering his facts just in the first day. I'm recording his progress so we can see how much improvement, he is actually making. I recycled clementine fruit crates to hold their various work for the week. 

Monday, January 10, 2011


We are studying regional differences in weather this week for science. So today was the best opportunity to focus on the Northeast region and their winter storms. We froze some black paper so we could look at snowflakes, measured snow (very scientifically with our rulers we measured 4.5 inches), and we have some snow melting in a container so we can compare snow vs. melted snow. We read about the climate on this site and winter storms here.

After work then play...

Even I got in on the action...I love Daniel's Zipfy sled. Thanks again, Grandma!

Daniel really enjoyed pushing me down the hill.
After freezing to death, we came in to hot chocolate and warm soup for lunch. Then we finished school...(I'd rather work through snow days than have to go one day longer in May than necessary). While the kids had a quiet time, JP and I took down the Christmas decorations. His job was closed today due to the amount of snow we received. We had a very good day!