
Friday, December 10, 2010


Just some thoughts from the week:
  • Glad I'm almost finished with Christmas shopping, Christmas cards have been ordered, and only one package left to mail.
  • Wish runny noses and coughs would leave our house until late next year sometime.
  • Thankful for such good friends and playdates
  • Starting to feel like I can breathe again
  • Happy next week is unit week. Studying Charles Dicken's The Christmas Carol and doing tons of art projects, fun math and more fun stuff
  • Laughing over my son's bad choice of underwear for his dr. checkup today. Let's just say when my husband described the condition and the ensuing laughter from those present during the appt., I haven't stopped laughing. Let's also say, they are now safely in the trash and I'm glad he's getting new ones for Christmas.
  • Loving life with my wonderful husband and beautiful, healthy children
  • Bumming out my mom couldn't visit this weekend due to potential bad weather for her trip home.
  • Praying she'll be able to make it next weekend or the first thing on my list will include an additional package.