
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Girl's Day Out and Our New Addition

Tera's favorite gift this year came after Christmas in the form of a Girls' Day Out. Here we are in our matching Old Navy hoodies getting ready to go. Our day started with getting our ears' pierced. I had it done when I was 12 and it was not the greatest experience. This time around it was a whole lot better. Let's just hope we don't get any infections (I'm kinda paranoid like that).

We also went to Bath and Body Works, then to lunch with a friend and shopping at Old Navy. We had a great time. I don't think she stopped smiling the entire day!

Then today we added this little thing to our family:

A 6 month old mini poodle renamed Mazey (originally his name was Mason). The lady that had him just couldn't keep him anymore. We've been debating getting a dog for a while and this one seemed to fit the bill. Daniel is in absolute heaven. When JP took the dog away to get it out of the crate, Michael started crying and calling..."my puppy". So Crazy Mazey is especially loved by the male portion of the family. The females will have to get used to this little wild thing running around, especially our cat, Pepper.