
Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas's finally here!

We finished school Friday, so today was our first official day off. And what did we do? Go to the library, of course. All our things have been renewed once already, putting the due date the Monday after Christmas weekend. I surely will feel less up for a trip to the library then than I did today. I checked out a few books for myself, mostly non-school related. I really enjoy Jan Karon's writing style and I'm waiting for the library to have her newest book in the Father Tim series. So I settled for re-reading Shepherds Abiding over the next few weeks. Tera and Daniel watched Jesus: The Nativity while I laid on the couch and dozed after reading one chapter in a How'd They Do That? book on Elizabethan England. I've always loved that time period.
We've discovered 3-D snowflakes and how easy they are to make. I found this step by step instruction guide. Saturday morning found us occupied with this gigantic creations.

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Last night we went to a quaint little drive through nativity. We drove about 30 minutes one way for a 2 1/2 minute display but it was still a neat experience. Boy, did the angels look cold out there!
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Daniel's working on getting his teeth out before his baby ones in front totally disappear from wear and tear. Let's hope he's easier on the permanent ones.
We came home from the library to a little package for the kids from a dear friend. They love their bracelets and video, Kathy. Thank you, and we love you guys! (This was Michael's trial run for Christmas, and I have to say he did very well!)