
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nature through the eyes of a child

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I have wanted to do nature studies and journals in a Charlotte Mason style for a long time now. I'm still not doing them in a Charlotte Mason style, but this year has been the first time, I'm moving in the right direction. We visited a local wetlands area with some friends this week. It seemed a little barren when we arrived, but the kids were so excited about what they were seeing, it opened my eyes to the things around me. They were drawing in sketch books and nature journals whatever struck them as interesting. It was cool to see it through their eyes...every leaf, blade of grass, barren tree was worthy of a rubbing or drawing. I think as adults, we need to stop and look at God's creation like our kids did. Look at everything as a wonder. God has such awesome imagination and creativity, let's not forget to praise Him for it.