
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Human Body: Circulatory System

We finished the Human Body last week with the Circulatory System, I'm just a little late getting things posted. As stated before, most of my ideas this year for science have been taken from Lesson Pathways.

Detecting Your Pulse

This site has the below experiment as well as some other circulatory system ideas.

Photobucket Photobucket

Circulatory System- reading
Heart Anatomy Video
More readings
Circulation Station and Amazing Blood- online interactive activities
Habits of the Heart- lots of info, flash video and some open heart surgery video (we weren't brave enough for that one)

Another activity- Calculate stationary heart rate then compare after 30 seconds of exercise. You can have everyone compare their heart rate to each other. Then graph.

Trying to use a stethoscope