
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tons of Fun

It was a busy but great weekend with Tera, Daniel and Michael's only cousins. We went to Fort Loudoun, the park and then drove up to the Foothills Parkway Sunday afternoon. The leaves were changing on the parkway but not much color in the mountains yet but it is still beautiful as always. We had enough kid binoculars for all the older kids to have a pair. Uncle JP was teasing them saying he could see a cat on the porch of one of the houses in the distance. The story expanded to see the tick on its ear and a mouse missing it's front tooth.
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Nate and Daniel chasing a cricket at one of the stops.
We had tons of downtime too- playing games and watching new videos. Tera and Daniel loved teaching Nate to play her new game Sci-ology.

We had a ton of fun!