
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

We started the Southeast in our U.S. Geography study. This summer I requested maps and tourist info from various states. I think this has been the favorite part for the kids. We spread out the state maps on the floor and dig in finding the capitals, various places using the map grid and just exploring. Sometimes it get torn, but oh well. Since I was born and raised in Alabama, I had them find places that I lived and where our family lived. I coached Tera in the southern way to say Montgomery---"muhntgumree" just so she won't be called a "Yank" when we go home.
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We read a book about Helen Keller and a short story about George Washington Carver. I had the kids blindfolded and with ear plugs, then asked them to do simple tasks. Daniel was a little cocky so I had him find the blue ring in the midst of Michael's toys. Cockiness vanished quickly.

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