
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nervous System

Last week we started a unit on the human body focusing on the nervous system. A great website with tons of activities: Neuroscience for Kids
These are Mr. Egghead. Take a raw egg, draw a face, then put him/her in a tupperware dish. Crash it on the floor. Observe results. Then fill dish with water and do the same. This experiment shows the importance of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain.
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Model of the brain with the lobes labelled
Diagram of how neurons work.
Pipe cleaner model of a neuron
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Button diagram of the spinal cord-colored coded to match the various vertebrate
Brain in a bag (recipe found at Neuroscience for kids). We mixed sand, mashed potatoes and hot water. This was supposed to be the same consistency and weight as the human brain.
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