
Monday, October 18, 2010

Music and Art

We had some friends over for music and art lessons. We reviewed our composers up to date and then did some boomwhacker activities. Even Michael got in on the action this week.
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We had an art lesson by a great teacher. The kids did a drawing lesson on showing emotions. They started with 5 pieces of paper, then drew an identical blank face on each one. We talked about different emotions. The kids showed those emotions in their faces. They discussed how different parts of the face looked with each emotion. Then drew the face. We did happy, sad, mad, excited and scared.
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After drawing all 5 faces, the kids picked the 4 best ones to glue on a background. I think they all turned out great.

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These bottom two are Tera's and Daniel's respectively.
The little ones taking a break to watch cars.