
Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 2 Observations

Our findings for our Periodic Table of Elements Scavenger Hunt

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Daniel and Tera's model of Sucrose molecules

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Colored Marshmallows, Toothpicks, Molecule Formulas=Lots of delicious learning!

We just finished up week 2 of this school year. My new system is working pretty well...aka we are getting our work done in a fair amount of time and we're mostly happy. There is such a wide variety of things in addition to our "book work" that I haven't heard much complaining about school at all. That I'm thankful about.

We wrapped up Atoms and the Periodic Table today and for the next 6 weeks, we will be working on Electricity. My son's dream topic! Since I do not ever remembering studying electricity in school, this will be a great time of learning for me as well. We are starting slow in our U.S. Geography---learning terminology and such. All of our extras (Bible, Memory Work, etc.) seem to be clicking along. I do not feel like I need to just leave any of them. I hate changing midstream, so I'm glad it's all meshing together.