
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Day in the Life

When I see other people's posts on this subject, I realize we are a structured- go with the flow family. We do not have breakfast at a specific time, school...etc. But I'll give you a snapshot of our day anyway.

Get up/shower/ get the kids started on reading
Kids start bookwork
Get Michael up
Kids finish school work and we do our together subjects (I'm usually cooking, cleaning, doing things on the computer all around this time) This is also when we have our school get togethers once a week or any drs. appts.
Lunch- This is our main meal of the day because of my husband's work schedule
Down time/ Michael goes down for a nap/ Finish up any schoolwork left
Dad goes to work
Kids play time- play dates- my time to get any things on my list done while Michael is sleeping. Some days I'm tired and I just veg out on the computer. I'm trying to convince myself that is okay but I still feel guilty. I'm trying to work mandolin practice in there too but that hasn't been consistent at all.
Playtime/ Baths/Devotions/Videos and etc.
Bedtime for kids- Michael usually at 7 and then Tera and Daniel by 7:30 or 8. They read a psalm before going to bed, listen to audio cds or tapes (Adventures in Odyssey, Chronicles of Narnia) then read before lights out at 8:30 or 9.
After I get everyone in bed, I will eat dinner, veg out for a while and exercise. I'm trying to get in bed early so about 9:30 or 10 I go up and have my Bible reading and prayer time before going to sleep.

This is just a typical day when we do not have anything extra or out of the ordinary. On those days we really go with the flow but it all works out in the end!

Check out other Day in the Life posts at: Not So Back to School Blog Hop