
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This and That

Our visit to Mast General Store and their candy barrels.
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We brought home a brochure for the Mast General Store on Gay Street in Knoxville. Since the kids saw the list of candy, they have been wanting to go speculating about what they would get and would the candy be in real barrels. Well, they were and there was about everything you could imagine. They each made up their own treat bags of things they knew they liked and other things that looked cool to try. There were tons of old fashioned toys and other things. The only gross candy we ran across was a new kind of jellybelly trick candy. There were skunk smell, booger, caterpillar and several other stomach turners that were made to look like butter popcorn, licorice, and other yummy jellybellys. This was the only time Daniel begged, he really wanted those, not for himself but to play tricks. I firmly said no after I was through being utterly repulsed.

Below are pictures of what Tera and Daniel picked for their treat bag. Michael will have to wait until next time.

Tera's selections

Daniel's selections

This is what my counter is looking like every other day or two....I'm getting lots of spaghetti sauce and tons of tomato sandwiches.
We had Daniel's eye doctor appointment the same day we visited the Mast General Store. He had to get an eye exam, which showed a change in his prescription. We do not have to return until Jan. or Feb. for a check up. The doctor's report was very good and if all goes well in Jan., we do not have to go back for 1 year. Since we have had eye dr. appointments every 2-3 months since his surgery, this is great news to us. We are so thankful God is continuing to heal his eyes and thankful we live so near a specialist.

School starts next Monday and I am getting excited. We have had almost three months off this summer so I think we are all ready for school to begin. I still need to do some planning this week. Tera is getting so excited, Daniel is indifferent. Things are normal!