
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Simple Joys of Summer- Blueberry Picking

JP found a look alike in our garden!
Earlier this week, we went blueberry picking with some friends. The kids had a hard time focusing on the actual picking part. It was more fun to follow mazes and duck under the tunnels made by the blueberry branches. We still got a great deal of blueberries. The only thing missing was my mom. Last year, she came for a visit and went blueberry picking with us. We sure missed her- our lean, mean, blueberry picking granny machine. Also the next time we go, we are bringing our own buckets and marking them on the side. If the kids fill to a certain line, we'll have a treat that goes with that many blueberries. We are definitely not above a little bribery for hard work.

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Our 8 lbs. of blueberries
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One happy little blueberry muncher.

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