
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More first day pics....

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We got back into the swing of things on Monday. The day went pretty well. The kids were a little distracted but we got everything on my schedule done, so I call that a pretty great day! I've changed things up a little this year (I'll post about specifics later this week or next, if things get hectic), so I'm looking forward to this school year.

Our first few months will be more hectic than usually. The kids got parts in a children's theatre production of The Hobbit. They are both goblins. They do not have individual speaking parts, but are very excited about the experience. We are very delighted they will get to do this. We didn't think they were going to be able to do it, because of rehearsal schedules. I prayed about it and the Lord miraculously worked it out. The director was very accomodating and willing to work with our schedule. It will be a little crazy but will be worth it I'm sure!