
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Alien Art


Earlier this week, we were with some friends for science and art. Our art leader for the day assigned the kids a 3-D alien project. First the kids painted a planet (semi-circle) then filled in the rest of the page for space. While that was drying, we talked about symmetry and the kids cut a figure from a folded sheet of paper. This was the beginning of their alien. Then, they colored in or decorated the figures with oil pastels, buttons, pipe cleaners, confetti pieces, etc. We then attached the alien to our background. I think the lesson was found at Deep Space Sparkle for any who are interested.

Below are our finished products:

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I'm so thankful for these get togethers. Art is really not my thing, so it's great when my kids get the experience from a different teacher and perspective.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Science with Friends

One day earlier this week, we got together with some friends for science and art lessons. Our science leader for the day lead the kids in a lesson about water.
We experimented with displacement- the kids marked the levels in their water cups to show the amount of displacement between large, medium and small balls of clay.

We talked about density and buoyancy.
Then the challenge- take the clay that sinks and make it float. So all the kids fashioned their clay into boat-like shapes to try and make them float. It was harder than it sounds.

Then the kids decided to see if their boats would float if they added things to them. So they added things like clay people, dinosaurs, counting bears. Some even tried to see how many things they could add before the boat would sink.

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It was a great lesson and the kids had so much fun!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

2010-2011 School Year Curriculum

Not Back to School Blog Hop

Our curriculum for the year:
Math: Saxon really works for us. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" I've done Saxon with Daniel the whole time but only the last 3 years with Tera. She likes it so much better than any other curriculum I experimented on her.
Language Arts: Spelling and Handwriting- We use the A Reason For...series and have really enjoyed it, especially the Handwriting. We are finishing up the last few lessons from last year before we get new books. Spelling we are using some things I already have, but will be purchasing new A Reason for Handwriting books. Daniel will start cursive and Tera will continue in the 2nd cursive book.

Reading- We are using Abeka readers to start. Then we will move onto selected chapter books that they have showed an interest in.

Language- I never buy language curriculum. Over the years, I have picked up various random school copies of language curriculums. Each year, I pick a different one that is grade level appropriate and that is what we use.

Social Studies- This year we are focusing our study on the textbook Regions Near and Far that I picked up at the local library book sale. It takes us through US Geography. I am using it as an outline to which I'm adding the study of the 50 states. We are also continuing our pattern from last year of having 4 weeks of "regular" school and then 1 week of "fun" school (to borrow Tera's description.) We will study all our core subjects and extras for the 4 weeks and then on the 5th week have an intensive unit week. This semester we are studying the ancient civilizations during those times.

Science- I am using Lesson Pathways as a guide for our science this year. We have covered life science a great deal in the past few years, but not so much the physical sciences. So we have started the year, studying atoms and will spend a month on electricity. Then move on to magnets, light, force and motion, etc.

Some things I have added this year- These are on a daily basis: Memory work-(memorizing a short Bible passage and poem- 10 minutes a day), Bible (We do a great deal of spiritual training outside of school, but this is the first year I have incorporated an actual Bible curriculum. We are studying the book of Acts with the Nazarene Children's Bible Quizzing material), Instrument Practice (Tera- piano; Daniel- recorder for 15 mins. daily)
Other things that rotate on various days of the week: God's World News ( I subscribe to a Christian kids news magazine similar to the Weekly Reader we used to receive in school), Art Lesson/ Nature blog (every other week the kids will do an art lesson on a new program called Creativity Express or write a blog post for their nature blog), Getting together with a group of other homeschoolers for learning activities and fieldtrips, Mind Bender activities (these are Critical Thinking skills exercises), and Math Wall (I have picked 3 words a week from basic math terminology to go over, put in their own words and illustrate. For example, this weeks words were congruent, expanded form and sum. We discussed, wrote in our own words and illustrated)

I have wanted to incorporate the use of a timeline for the last few years, but have never come across a system I felt was right for us. I've decided this year to do a notebook timeline for each of the kids that as we study they can add figures, events, etc. to their individual books. I found the dates divided up into historical periods and printed them out. I then took a composition notebook and pasted the dates on two facing pages. If it doesn't work no big deal, but at least we tried.
Organization: Each week the kids have assignment sheets with all their individual work printed out. As they complete them, they highlight it on their sheet. I started this last year and it is such a wonderful thing. They know exactly what they are suppose to be doing and can choose the order in which they finish their work. I also use composition notebooks for each subject so that they can keep all their language, math and spelling work together.
This year since I have added some extras, I printed myself an assignment sheet for our "together" work. In the past a messy legal pad was my method. It has been so nice to have a neatly printed sheet to refer to. I also borrowed my friend's idea of a planning notebook. (thanks Sarah) Having everything together in one place is worth the effort and extra work on the front end.


We are barely into this school year, but I know already I'll have to tweak some of these things. But for now these are my grandiose ideas for the school year that I hope will all fall into place.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More first day pics....

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We got back into the swing of things on Monday. The day went pretty well. The kids were a little distracted but we got everything on my schedule done, so I call that a pretty great day! I've changed things up a little this year (I'll post about specifics later this week or next, if things get hectic), so I'm looking forward to this school year.

Our first few months will be more hectic than usually. The kids got parts in a children's theatre production of The Hobbit. They are both goblins. They do not have individual speaking parts, but are very excited about the experience. We are very delighted they will get to do this. We didn't think they were going to be able to do it, because of rehearsal schedules. I prayed about it and the Lord miraculously worked it out. The director was very accomodating and willing to work with our schedule. It will be a little crazy but will be worth it I'm sure!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I have a loose tooth....


Daniel finally lost his first tooth today. Then he lost it! He said it came out when he was practicing his recorder. We looked all over and couldn't find it. So he has to write a note explaining to the tooth fairy what happen, and hopefully she will be understanding. ;)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Blast from the Past

In the process of moving here, we did lots of writing on several other blogs (, to process what we were going through. I was just looking back at some of those posts realizing how far God has brought us. Some of the posts had me laughing at loud and wondering if I was the one that really wrote that stuff.

Here are some links:

The Joys of Hardship

God Cares About Blue Bathmats

Things That Go Bump in the Night This one really cracks me up!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cookies and Scones, what a wonderful day!

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I won a free giveaway from Ice Box Bakery
on the blog The Homespun Heart.

I thought I would receive a coupon in the mail but much to my delight (and my kids' delight), FedEx arrived today with a refrigerated package of 3 rolls of all natural cookies. We tried the Deluxe Chocolate Chip and Double Dutch Chocolate since those were the ones without tree nuts. The rolls freeze up to 6 months as well. The Deluxe Chocolate Chip was our favorite hands down. The Double Dutch was just a little too rich for us. I'm not really picky about organic or all natural ingredients but these were great cookies and I could definitely tell a difference in quality, texture and taste. Maybe it's a good thing I can't buy these cookies locally, I'd be in big trouble.

Last night, I made Meredith's Blueberry Scone recipe for breakfast this morning. They were great- light and flaky. The only thing I changed was that I drizzled some white chocolate on top. My husband, who does not usually eat breakfast ever, had one and went back for seconds. Thanks for the great recipe Meredith! We'll definitely be making this again. (Glad I held out for the real deal!)


On a sidenote, I am a very trusting person. So it pains me to say, I was almost taken in by one of those, you've won a new car or other great prizes scams. The guy sounded so nice, so genuine, answered all my sceptical questions. I always deflect to my husband, so I said I would have him call back tomorrow. (Since my husband worked in the social service field, he usually sees through things like that.) Then I looked up the two companies, the guy said he represented and found a lot of people saying very negative things about the "promotion". The Better Business Bureau gave them a C- and revoked their endorsement of the company. Thank goodness for the ability to research online and find out all these things. I have to admit I'm very embarassed because I actually got excited. (It's been one of those weeks!) But hey I got free cookies, that is really something to get excited about!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Simple Joys of Summer: Fishing


We have been able to go fishing and swimming a couple of times in the past few days with friends. The kids both caught at least one fish a piece each time. No one was hooked, I baited hooks for the first time in my entire life, Michael was content to observe, so all in all it was a great time. We used hot dogs and bread for bait- no worms. I don't think I would have volunteered for that. I can't say my husband has gained a fishing buddy but it wasn't too bad. I even helped one kid reel one in so who knows, one day I might get hooked. :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This and That

Our visit to Mast General Store and their candy barrels.
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We brought home a brochure for the Mast General Store on Gay Street in Knoxville. Since the kids saw the list of candy, they have been wanting to go speculating about what they would get and would the candy be in real barrels. Well, they were and there was about everything you could imagine. They each made up their own treat bags of things they knew they liked and other things that looked cool to try. There were tons of old fashioned toys and other things. The only gross candy we ran across was a new kind of jellybelly trick candy. There were skunk smell, booger, caterpillar and several other stomach turners that were made to look like butter popcorn, licorice, and other yummy jellybellys. This was the only time Daniel begged, he really wanted those, not for himself but to play tricks. I firmly said no after I was through being utterly repulsed.

Below are pictures of what Tera and Daniel picked for their treat bag. Michael will have to wait until next time.

Tera's selections

Daniel's selections

This is what my counter is looking like every other day or two....I'm getting lots of spaghetti sauce and tons of tomato sandwiches.
We had Daniel's eye doctor appointment the same day we visited the Mast General Store. He had to get an eye exam, which showed a change in his prescription. We do not have to return until Jan. or Feb. for a check up. The doctor's report was very good and if all goes well in Jan., we do not have to go back for 1 year. Since we have had eye dr. appointments every 2-3 months since his surgery, this is great news to us. We are so thankful God is continuing to heal his eyes and thankful we live so near a specialist.

School starts next Monday and I am getting excited. We have had almost three months off this summer so I think we are all ready for school to begin. I still need to do some planning this week. Tera is getting so excited, Daniel is indifferent. Things are normal!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Simple Joys of Summer: Visit "cool" local museums

American Museum of Science and Energy
Oak Ridge, TN
It's been very hot here, so we took the chance to visit a local museum. It was cool in more ways than one. We are hot natured people, but I understand why the older couple working the visitor booth were wearing sweaters and long pants. It was absolutely cold in this museum. A welcome change compared to outside.

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One scary looking elevator....

Playing with electricity and major appliances....
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Kids riding nuclear weapons...
Funny sign I saw in the bathroom, who knew bathrooms could be so educational?

More snapshots from our day...
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My twins for the day (no they didn't plan that)....
Michael was observing everything from his stroller. He had a great time touching all the buttons, there was so much for him to do.
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We had a great, cool, crazy, fun time!