
Saturday, July 10, 2010

36 years and counting....

Today I turned 36...

Birthdays always give me mixed feelings. I tend to be just a little moody, but this year I feel very happy and blessed. I am surrounded by the people I love and those missing sent their wonderful messages of love. I am a blessed woman and today I feel that immensely. So although my ankles cracked as I walked down the stairs this morning, at least I made it down the stairs.

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The awesome presents my children made for me. The picture on top is a painted flowerpot decoupaged with pictures of the kids and I made by Tera. Inside are flowers that are actually fountain pens. The bottom is a bill organizer to take care of that big pile I keep accumulating on my kitchen counter decoupaged also with pictures. This was made by my son, Daniel. I love it when my husband helps them make me stuff. It's always so thoughtful


I decided against cake this year so we all enjoyed hot fudge sundaes. We almost never buy ice cream so it was an awesome treat.
My poor husband is so tired from helping kids with crafts. He always outdoes himself on my birthday, buying me things that I forgot I even asked for months ago. He's making me dinner tonight as well. Chicken with capers, wild rice and broccoli. He is a great cook but doesn't often have the time and energy to do it. He blesses me on Mother's Day and my birthday for which I am very grateful.
Today I turned 36 and it's great!