
Saturday, June 19, 2010


Teaching our kids to volunteer and to serve others is high on our list of priorities. It's only been recently that we have found opportunities to do this in ways that fit our lifestyle and our kids' personalities.

We were invited to help at a nursing home hymn sing once a month. We've only attended once so far but our kids really enjoyed it. Tera was working the room, sitting with different people so they wouldn't be alone at their table. Mostly they sang, but it was a great experience. Tera has even started to talk about how she could use her talent of drawing pictures as a way to reach out more. She wants to draw pictures and take them with her next time to give out. Also, the person in charge asked us about bringing some of our many percussion instruments for participants to use. There were 3 teenagers there that impressed the socks off of us-so loving and caring. Definitely great role models for our children. We can't wait until next month.

Earlier this week, Tera and I volunteered at the public library helping shelve books. It was a great experience for her. It was something we did alone while her brothers had some time with their Dad eating ice cream. When you have 3 kids, time alone with each one becomes more difficult so we are trying to work those times into our schedule more. This year we are going to try to go once every 2 weeks to the library. It was great to see the accomplished and confident air Tera had after completing a job for others well.

Now we need a volunteer experience for her 7 year old brother. Shelving books would definitely not be his thing. Any idea for volunteer opportunities for boys?