
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Simple Joys of Summer- Reading

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We love to read in this house. Daniel has been flying through the Chronicles of Narnia series this summer. The kids pooled their money and earned the rest through our summer ticket program and odd jobs to buy the Focus on the Family audio dramas. 22 hours of Chronicles of Narnia dramatized. They listen every night at bed and have already made it through once. Now they are picking their favorites and going back through.

Some of Tera's favorites are:
Geronimo Stilton
American Girl
Christy series
Nancy Drew Notebooks
Lots of the Illustrated Classics: Little Women, Robin Hood, Oliver Twist, etc.
Any non-fiction animal books

Daniel's favorites are:
Young Indiana Jones
Books by Gilbert Morris- Christian themed Sci-Fi
Geronimo Stilton
Cul-de-Sac Kids
Gross Animal books
Chronicles of Narnia

Michael's Favorites:
Moo Baa La La La
Good Night, Gorilla
Any other book that makes a ripping sound when he tears the pages out.