
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Simple Joys of Summer

We are scaling back this summer just a bit. Our summer vacation started with an actual vacation and the next 2 weeks after that, running non-stop. That is not my idea of summer. I remember growing up, we spent our summer watching TV, laying out in the sun when we were not hot and bored. That wasn't very productive and while I don't want to do those things now, I like the idea of just hanging out close to home. After the first two weeks, I decided to reign in the extras and plan on doing cool stuff at home this summer. That doesn't mean we are not doing anything outside the house, just not as much. I also don't want my kids to feel bored this summer either so I'm planning this series Simple Joys of Summer to help myself remember that simple fun is good. Popsicles, homemade ice cream, finger paint is easy and enjoyable. So I'll be posting most days of the week, ideas that can make your kids' summer memorable yet relaxed and satisfying for the parent at the same time.