
Friday, May 28, 2010

Garden 2010

We planted a Three Sisters Garden this year in one of our plots- squash, corn, pole beans.

Photobucket Photobucket
Bordering this plot we have planted carrots, radish and lettuce, which are not pictured here.

In our second plot, we have tomatoes, green and red sweet peppers, hot pepper and basil.
We are starting a pizza garden which will be in a round plot that in the past was a flower garden. We have garlic planted there already and will add lemon basil, parsley, tomato, and peppers.
We are also planning a fall garden this year to extend our harvest time. We are going to assign the kids their own plot and have them pick their produce then do the work until harvest. I've gotten Daniel interested in Kohlrabi- "the alien veggie" and Tera is looking at doing potatoes. We are planning another round of squash, spinach, radish, lettuce, tomato, bush beans and parsnips.