
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tera Cooks- Take 2

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Smores Crumb Bar Dessert
from Taste of Home
This is a standard dessert in my house. Easy and quick!
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Candy Carrots (sliced carrots with butter and brown sugar)
from The Everything Kids Cookbook

Burt's Pizzas (Pepperoni and Supreme)
recipe found in the Nancy Drew cookbook from the library.

The finished product.
Tera is learning to cook this year by making the family a meal once a month or so. She plans the meal and then cooks it with supervision and help where needed. It's nice to see her wanting to learn a skill that I didn't really acquire until after I was married. When I was her age, I think I could make hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. I'm very proud of her. Her food tastes great too!