
Friday, March 5, 2010

Unit Week- Civil War and Solar System

Lapbook Activities- We did some Civil War lapbook activities.

We did tons of experiments on space and physical science this week. What is the picture of the string you ask? A balloon rocket too fast for me to catch on film. I checked out a book from the library and the kids had to pick 2 experiments a day that they could set up and carry out themselves in addition to the ones I had planned.

Battling Boredom-Civil War style

We learned that soldiers battled boredom in camp so they would do things like: checkers, dominoes, chess and poker (gambling was real popular), whittle, take pictures, sing and play instruments, smoke and drink, and pray. We didn't gamble, smoke or drink but we did have a lot of fun with the other things. The dominoes picture Daniel took with my camera and Tera took the one of the plant. 

Daniel and Tera participated in World Math Day 2010 on March 3rd online.