
Friday, March 5, 2010

Living History Day at Sam Houston Schoolhouse

Finishing off our week unit on the Civil War, we were blessed to have a Living History Day at a local museum. We went in the morning, boy was it cold. I felt so sorry for the Confederate soldier who was barefoot during the reenactment. There was a surgeon with tons of tools to show, even dismembered limbs. Tera said every time someone asks a question, the answer is gross. Let's just say he gave descriptions of the procedures and tools that made you hurt. There were infantry soldiers from the Union and Confederate armies. We also learned about the different flags of the Confederate Army. The kids even got their picture taken with Robert E. Lee. They were having tours and activities all day-we just stayed a couple of hours in the morning. JP enjoyed the surgeon (because he had a straight razor) and even got a fake bandage with blood on it. We all had a great time. What a wonderful ending to a unit week.