
Friday, August 14, 2009

So Thankful

I am combatting feeling down with blogging about why I am so thankful. We are doing the Overtime Shuffle around and so tired, but I'm thankful because:

  • Michael had a doctor's appointment with an urologist for a common problem in baby boys. Worse case scenario would require surgery and overnight stay at the hospital. The doctor thinks the problem is healing itself and we don't have to go back until Michael is a year old. Such an answer to prayer.
  • We live so close to a Children's Hospital with great specialists and short wait times.
  • JP has a job that meets all our needs.
  • I have three beautiful children who are loving and love spending time with our family doing things.
  • I have learned how to cook from scratch. (not this week, but over time)
  • We have been getting produce from our garden, a little here and a little there.
  • My children love to learn.
  • We've made new friends since moving here two years ago.
  • I have a bread machine.
  • My family loves me very much.
  • No matter how much I mess up, God still forgives.

This list could go on and on, but that about sums it up for today. We'll update on school next week.