
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Michael Curtis Vilaire


8 lbs. 11 oz.

21 3/4 inches

(sorry for the blurry pic-hopefully will have some better ones soon)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weekly Update Feb. 9-13

Same old song, second and third verse. One doctor's appointment left, the day before surgery next Friday. I experienced my first bout of swelling this week but hey since I am only one week away from having the baby, that is pretty good. I can actually feel my legs start swelling. I have to stop put my feet up and rest for a while. I look like I have a bowling ball under my shirt at this point. JP will pretend to shine my belly every now and then.

The kids are acting like it is the week before Christmas vacation. We have a four day week coming up and then I planned our yearly schedule so we could take the 2 weeks after Michael's born to adjust. We all must be suffering from Spring Fever. We had at least 4 days this week that were so warm, Tera was wearing shorts around the house. I cannot wait for Spring, it is my favorite season on the year. New life all around you.

We found out that JP's job is taking 4 day weeks through the entire month of March. This is not really good for anyone financially, but God always meets our needs in advance every time. We are actually looking forward to all those 3 day weekends.

This will be the last weekly update for a few weeks. If we can, JP or I will load a baby pic or two next week sometime. Keep us in your prayers Friday morning.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekly Update- Feb. 2-6

2 weeks left.... 2 WEEKS LEFT!!!!!!. I am excited, elated, and anxious all at the same time. Drs. visits at this point come once a week and are very uneventful. I did find out my iron was a little low but since I am already taking 2 iron pills and a prenatal with iron, the dr. said that was a lot. So she thought maybe that was just my iron level. I lost 1 1/2 pounds but that too is normal.

I started a Pen Pal Program within our homeschooling group. We have a fairly large group so there are a great number of kids who have never met each other. They gave their info and then I paired kids up. Every Friday as a part of school, Tera and Daniel write a letter. We started writing a letter to their pen pals every week but decided that might be a little much so they have branched out. Every other week they write their pen pals. The other weeks we pick someone in our family for them to write. One week they wrote Grandma a letter and today they wrote their 4 year old cousin Nate. It is neat to see Tera especially change her writing style to fit the age of the person she is writing. The art of letter writing is fading so we are doing our little part to revitalize it. Now if I can just get myself to write someone a letter.