
Friday, November 7, 2008

Weekly Update Nov. 3-7

Sorry for the lack of pictures, we have to get our digital camera repaired. It only takes inside pictures that are in low light, we don't know what it's doing.

Anyway. It seems right now school is like the second trimester of pregnancy. You are just mundanely getting through. Nothing real exceptional. I am recovering from my sinus stuff and now Tera is suffering. JP is clearing out our little storage unit we have had since we moved to Tennessee. We now have a place to store things so we don't need to shell out $25 a month for a few boxes.

The kids are doing so good in school. They both read an hour a day and are doing exceptional in math. We love our handwriting books this year. It is Scripture based so the kids practice writing a Bible verse a week. Science and Social Studies have been a struggle for us this year but we are getting on track and learning about Colonial America. After Christmas we are starting a new curriculum that is based around Missions. We will adapt it to fit our family but it incorporates learning a language, family devotions, geography and history. We will continue with math, spelling and handwriting in addition to it. But I am very excited.

Next week, we are going on a fieldtrip to the Sam Houston Schoolhouse. Yes, it is the same Sam Houston from the Alamo. He was a teacher in Tennessee before going to Texas. It will be an 1800's Thanksgiving. I am taking a turkey, (don't know what I was thinking). Next time I'll sign up for rolls. It should be a fun day for the kids.

We are also excited about a new thing on the Internet. The founder of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer has started a mini kids network called Jelly Telly. It has 20 minutes of programming everyday online that is Christian based. You subscribe for $2.99 a month. We do not have cable, and frankly never want it again. But this is awesome, the kids love it and learn so much. It is a variety show that has all different kinds of "spots". One is What Could You Do? which spotlights helping others in your community. Another is Missions: which show MK's from all over the world. It is so awesome to have something uplifting for kids. Recommend this to anyone you know with kids, it's great.