
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thankful for Healthy Kids

The kids had their checkups on Friday, starting with Tera at the dentist. Tera received compliments from the hygienist and the dentist on how great she is brushing her teeth. I had noticed she is not losing any more teeth. Well, the dentist said she doesn't have permanent ones to replace her baby teeth yet. So he is checking with an orthodontist to see what options we have about that. We gave her strict instructions not to be wiggling any baby teeth. But we are going to be praying that God will work at miracle before her next check up in May. Daniel goes to the dentist in December.

We went for pizza, carved a pumpkin, watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, decorated their pumpkins they got at the dentist office and got ready for doctor's visits. I took Daniel and JP went with Tera. We knew they were getting the flu shots and Tera doesn't really like shots so we sent Daddy with her. They had to pee in a cup, get their fingers pricked and have a thorough exam. They are both in good weight/height percentages and overall amazingly healthy. JP said Tera did awesome and did not even cry when she got her shot. Daniel who never complains, didn't like having his finger pricked and yelled when he got his shot. He said it felt like someone stuck him with a sword. He was dressed up like Robin Hood, so I told him to pretend it was a battle wound. That didn't change his complaint.
We came home and went back out for two trunk or treats. JP and the kids also went around the neighborhood but nobody was giving out candy and it was frankly kinda scary. We won't be doing that next year. They watched the Disney Icabod Crane and Mr. Toad, JP borrowed from a co-worker. Thanks Billy. They loved it. We ate the leftover pizza while we watched and after a few treats, they got in bed around 9 PM. It was a great day.