
Friday, November 7, 2008

Family Game Night

We have a Sunday Night tradition ever since my husband was pastoring full-time. Sunday night is Pizza Night and we watch old TV shows on DVD. Our repertoire consisted of The Andy Griffith Show and have added in the past two years- The Muppet Show-Season 1 and The Adventures of Robin Hood from the late 50s. Our kids have really looked forward to this every week. Well, we have gotten just a little burned out on these shows, so we decided to propose a game night to the kids. They jumped at the chance. My only catch was no kiddie games- I wanted more mature games. We decided since both the kids can read very well now that this was doable. My husband and I used to play games all the time before we had kids, so we have quite a few. We decided to try Pictionary. Not Pictionary, Jr. but the real deal. My dad bought me this game when I was a teenager and when we would visit him, he always played and beat me. It used to make me so mad. My dad was very smart, he always beat me in Trivial Pursuit, too.

Anyway, we found a roll of old newspaper print type paper in our new house hidden in one of the upstairs closets. We brought down Tera's easel and attached some paper to it. JP and I did a few practice draws to let the kids see how to play. Then we were off. Daniel and I were a team. Tera and JP made up the other team. We were so impressed with them. None of us are very great artists but it was awesome. It was the best evening I think we have had in forever. Both the kids want to play it this week. Daniel who usually gets upset if he cannot do something just right, had a very good attitude. The kids said it as much fun as Dollywood. Now there's a recommendation for you.