
Friday, September 5, 2008

Update for this week

We made it through the school week. Thank goodness it was only a 4 day week. We are reading a wonderful picture book called Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling. It is about a carved Indian in a canoe named Paddle to the Sea. It is a geography book exploring the Great Lakes area through the journey of the little canoe. We also started Tom Sawyer. We visited the library and both kids came home with a backpack full of new books. Tera reading Boxcar Children, Junie B. Jones, Cam Jansen, Little House and American Girl. Daniel's reading list is definitely more masculine- Robin Hood, Odysseus, Blaze the Stallion and Arabian Nights. He always seems to pick books above his reading level but does a good job reading through them at his own pace.
Supposedly, we are closing on our house next week. We are praying and hoping no last minute things come up between now and then. No more pregnancy problems at this point. Just waiting to feel those first little baby flutters. We were 15 weeks on Thursday and go back to the doctor in 2 weeks.
Well, that's what is going on with us this week.