
Monday, January 28, 2008

Books From the Shelf

These are the books I am reading currently:
Red Moon Rising- This book chronicles the beginning stages of the 24-7 Prayer Movement in the UK and now globally. It has been an interesting book. The author is very humble about his part in this movement and emphasizes how God's hand has moved in various people's lives bringing them together as the 24-7 Movement as developed.
Believing God by Beth Moore. I am re-reading this book because I did not finish it the first time. This book emphasizes the difference between having faith in God and believing God. She has 5 faith statements she goes through in the book. "God is who He says He is; God can do what He says He can do; I am who God says I am; I can do all things through Christ; God's Word is alive and active in me." I am on the second statement in my reading. It has been important for me to go through this book again because I am at a point of real testing in our situation. Lately, I have been overwelmed with depression and anxiety over my husband's work schedule. Last week I prayed and just asked the Lord to help me to trust in Him more. I was filled with such a peace last week and this weekend. We all need to be reminded of God's sovereignty in our lives when we are committed to Him.
Does Anyone Here Know God? by Gladys Hunt. This is a worn paperback filled with short stories of women from all walks of life who came to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. This is my second maybe third time reading this book. I love it, it seems new everytime I read it. The testimonies of these women are more than just inspirational reading. It reminds us that God has a purpose for our lives and as I said earlier we just have to commit to Him leaving our future in His hands.