
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some Personal Thoughts

I usually keep this blog pretty light reading, but tonight I need somewhere to express some personal feelings. Most people who read this blog are my friends and family. On October 2, 1998, I received a call around 10 pm at my home in Nashville from my hysterical mom. They were at the hospital with my brother who had just been murdered by an acquaintance. My life changed forever that night. JP and I loaded the car up and headed home. Those were the longest 4 hours of my life. The Lord gave me two scriptures Psalm 34 and Psalm 41 that helped me through those dark hours.
We moved home the next year just in time for the trial of the man who had committed that crime. He was convicted and sentenced to 24 years in prison. My mom and brother received letters today that this man is up for parole. The hearing will be right after Thanksgiving. We have known this day was coming for the last 8 years and yet we are still not prepared for it. JP is in a probationary period for work, so he cannot take any days off of work during that whole time. This means that I cannot go to the hearing. I have always wanted to go especially to support my mom and brother but it looks like I'll have to do that from home. I am allowed to send a letter of protest in lieu of attending and since I express myself better in words I guess it will be better in that regard. My brother already has several friends going with him, so I am so glad the Lord has went before me to give them extra support.
All the feelings come rushing back. It feels like we going through it all over again. I miss my brother and the fact that he will never see his nieces and nephews. We will never see him again in this life but John reminded me tonight "We will see him again someday". I thank the Lord for that.