
Thursday, August 9, 2007

School Time is here again!

First Day of School

We started school on Monday and have fallen into routine. After the first day, Tera was beaming at how she loved school and wished she could go on Saturday too. The feeling passed very quickly and Tuesday saw a minor revolt involving complaining and pouting over her reading work. Oh well, this too will pass.

Seriously, they are both adjusting very well. I was worried about Daniel because he has never been interested in sitting down for school before, so I never really pushed it. But our state requires 4 hours /180 days for the year to get credit. He has been doing great. I divide the time into smaller increments and we move around a lot. Daniel read his first word yesterday- am. Looks kinda small to us, but he sounded it out on his own and after 3 reading lessons, I think that's pretty good.

We are doing a lot of reading together this year, classics. Right now we are reading Mary Poppins and the Boxcar Children. Tera loves mysteries so I am glad we found an oldie but goodie collection.

When JP gets home and we eat supper, the kids have been relating what we have learned that day. I am surprised at how much they remember about things. That is really cool. They seem overall to enjoy the day and truly so do I.