
Thursday, August 9, 2007

Book Recommendations

I haven't up to this point done any book recommendations, but just like my mom I love to read. I never list reading as a hobby because it seems more of a way of life to me than a hobby. I love historical reading. Real things that happened to real people. Here are two books you need to read:

Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot.
I know this book was published in 1957 but I am just now reading it. It is the story of Jim Elliot and four other missionaries killed on Palm Beach in 1956 by the Auca Indians. It is a remarkable story of love and forgiveness.

End of the Spear by Steve Saint.
I read this one before the previous book mentioned. Steve Saint is the son of Nate Saint, the bush pilot included in the group of missionaries killed on Palm Beach. Steve's aunt, Rachel went and lived among the people who killed her brother and the others. Steve lived with them for time growing up and this book gives a true account from the Waodoni (Auca) themselves as to what happened that day on Palm Beach. I could not put this book down. It challenges me to be ready to do whatever God wants no matter the cost.

The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zecharias.
I am only a few chapters into this book but it is really good. The author explores how God is weaving everything in our lives together for His purpose- even the mundane commonplace things.

Well, there is the view from my bookshelf.