
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Confessions about Chocolate Cake

I made a yellow layer cake with chocolate icing. (I'll post a picture sometime later this week). I have never in my life made a layer cake. I make sheet cakes because they are not hard, but since we do not use our oven-I do all my baking in a large toaster oven. Well, the only pans that fit in there are the layer cake pans so to have cake it must be layer cake. I'll admit I was nervous, but it came out beautiful. My husband and children were amazed, I am not making that up. My daughter said "This is great, we only usually have cake at celebrations."
This morning JP had to leave for work an hour early and will be home an hour late and this will continue for the rest of the week. I woke up but if you know me well you know I didn't get out of bed. I went back to sleep until 7:15 when I let the dog back in and then laid in bed until 8. This has been some kind of lazy morning. While I was taking my shower, I pondered what kind of breakfast to give my children. Thoughts of that chocolate cake with 3 pieces already sliced went around in my head. I said to myself "Why not, what child doesn't dream of chocolate cake for breakfast." I was never a big breakfast eater so I cannot remember if my mom gave me chocolate cake for breakfast when I was growing up or not. When my mom cooked breakfast, it was typically southern breakfast food-bisquits, eggs, bacon, corn flakes with sugared strawberries.
My children were so happy- they had grapes and milk on the side and ate with vigor. I sat down and joined them with a cup of coffee and that third piece. I made the comment that I didn't remember having chocolate cake for breakfast as a kid to which Tera replied: "You are going back to your childhood today".